A potent natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that reduces free radicals formed in the body and helps maintain a health skin structure, elasticity, hydration and skin firmness.

Natural Astaxanthin 12mg supports healthy cholesterol, mental function, cognitive performance and heart health in athletes.

How Natural Astaxanthin 12mg helps:

It contains the most clinically researched natural Astaxanthin in the World from the renowned AstaReal® Group.

AstaReal® Astaxanthin is derived from the richest natural source, the microalgae Haematococcus Pluvialis, using an ultra-clean proprietary indoor cultivation method and is the only natural Astaxanthin source used in over 60 clinical studies.

AstaReal® Astaxanthin is recognised as the trusted industry gold standard due to the innovation, research and unique cultivation method that ensures optimal growth and accumulation of Astaxanthin and protection of the algae.

The natural Astaxanthin from AstaReal® is then micro-encapsulated right here in Australia using the unique Pharmako CPO™ technology that protects the potency and enhances bioavailability of the natural Astaxanthin.

Each Vegan Capsule (Hard) contains:
Natural Astaxanthin Ester extracted from
Haematoccocus pluvialis 400mg
Equiv Natural Astaxanthin 12mg
Coconut Oil fractionated 140mg
Pure Silica 160mg

SKU 9322837004244
Brand Green Nutritionals
Size 20 capsules

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